Lyumeili, a Yilan native born in 1965, is a woman sculptor renowned for her sculptures hand crafted with a unique technique from wood. She started learning sculpting in 1989 at Taiwan Art Museum where she had her first contact with fine wood sculpture and that later initiated her love in the field of fine carving. Due to her indulgence in wood sculpting, her works well combine a unique touch of distinction and exclusivity and women’s inner beauty to capture the mind and free the imagination. Her works also reveal a great enthusiasm for life and that provoke interaction with the viewer. Lyumeili made spectacular use of wood and has won a number of awards for her sculpture. Her talent was commonly recognized and the first fine sculpture museum in Lanyang was established to exhibit her wood, metal, and glass works. The themes of the exhibition include “Orchid”, “Homeland”, and “Buddha”. Refreshments are also served in the museum to make the visitors feel like home.